Divorce Decree Copies

  • Departments:District Court
  • Categories:Records, Court/Law
  • Email:
  • Phone:(775) 887-2082

Photocopies are 50¢ per page.  Copies of documents may be obtained upon payment of the appropriate fees either in person during regular office hours, or by writing or calling the District Court Clerk's office to obtain the purchase amount.  Please include the case number and the names of the parties to the case when making inquiries.  If you do not know your case number, refer to "How do I request a record search?" found below.

Certified copies are $5.00 each if the Clerk's Office is presented with the copy of the document to be certified.  If the Clerk's Office must make a copy from the Court's original, the fee is 50¢ per page for photocopying plus an additional $3.00 per document for certification.

Exemplified copies are $6.00 each if the Clerk's Office is presented with a copy of the document to be exemplified.  If the Clerk's Office must make a copy from the Court's original, the fee is 50¢ per page for photocopying plus an additional $6.00 per document for exemplification.

Carson City District Court Clerk's Office
885 East Musser Street, , Suite 3031, Carson City, Nevada 89701-3031
Telephone: (775) 887-2082
Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday 

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